This is important information for customers who purchased VIRTUALCOL products at

As it is public knowledge, this store is not working, and despite numerous unsuccessful attempts by us to find a solution for pending payments and seeing that the FSPILOTSHOP store is NOT WORKING, we ask all our customers who purchased products in that store to get in touch with us through our menu “CUSTOMER SERVICE” and “PRODUCTS SUPPORT” and there request information about the process to follow for the transfer of your purchases. It applies equally to other stores such as THE FLIGHTSIMSTORE and SIM-PLANET.

Please have on hand the Order Numbers generated by FSPILOTSHOP, because only with this item, we will be able to verify your purchases by comparing with our databases of the purchase reports made in the last 10 years.

We will always respond to our customers, do not worry, you have not lost your money, but FROM TODAY, please DO NOT BUY our products that are offered there because we will not respond for support or product links.

We appreciate your kind attention.

By admin